LISTEN: Ketogenic Diet and Alzheimers – Sam Henderson Sam Henderson is back in the news, with the Wall Street Journal reporting on his new Axona “milkshake” that provides medium chain triglycerides for better memory in people with mild cognitive impairment. We’ll share a recent interview with Henderson soon, but in the meantime, here’s one from…
Tag: Drugs
Coronary Calcium Scan – Data and Facts
•Bill Blanchette, MD: “What I learned has revolutionized my practice to the point that heart attacks are so rare that it’s been years since I’ve had the opportunity to treat a patient with a heart attack.”
Attack of the Hormone Replacement Purveyors (Part 3)
•Menopause was Meant to Be!
Attack of the Hormone Replacement Purveyors (Part 2)
•A normal premenopausal women takes on the hormone replacement people . . .
Attack of the Hormone Replacement Purveyors (Part 1)
•. . . if a woman FINALLY stops taking the hormones, due to a few minor concerns about things like that increased heart attack risk, and the increased risk of cancer, then the symptoms often roar back.
Diabetes – Too Much Medicine May Kill You
•The surprise death rate has led some U.S. physicians to push an uncommon diet as a way to lower blood sugar.
Nutrition Think Tank – Part 2 – Meet Dr Rosedale
•Dr. Ron Rosedale volunteered to lead the 1st Nutrition Think Tank program for free, as a way to reach out to people who want to figure out a way to help not only their own health, but the health of their community.