The idea of giving our 10-year old lab, Brian, a new diet, became a mission this week after I went hiking with friends on the trails above Boulder and watched in horror as Brian’s creaky joints nearly did him in.
Cancer, Pain Relief & Diet: Ron Rosedale
•Cancer cells prefer glucose and the rest of your cells essentially prefer fat. You have to utilize that difference. Don’t eat glucose. It’s as simple as that.
Stool Transplant to Cure a Deadly Intestinal Disease
•One spoonful of liquified feces, through a nose tube, into the stomach.
Avandia Under Fire – with Dr. Ron Rosedale
•RON ROSEDALE: My biggest beef with all this is if they did nothing, they probably would be healthier, with the higher blood sugar. I think the drugs are worse than their benefit in lowering the sugar.
A Phone Complaint about a Little Radio Interview
•THE PR LADY: And then he also mentioned that Avandia kills people. These are very strong statements that he made.
Fermicutes – Make You Fat? Nothing to Sneeze About
•Microbiome Expert Rob Knight says that firmicutes are more abundant in the guts of people who are obese. And in people with allergies.