Watching as he concentrated, it was like watching a bomb specialist trying to sort through a tangle of wires that are connected to a ticking bomb. Right now, Magdalena’s congestive heart failure was a ticking bomb.
Category: Nutrition Think Tank
A community based project for improving health through nutrition
Nutrition Think Tank – Lab Results and Report
•Here is a before- and after- summary of the lab data for the 2004 Nutrition Think Tank, which was led by Dr. Ron Rosedale. Labs tests were generously donated by Esoterix Lab (now Nichols Lab, I think), and included a standard cholesterol panel plus more in-depth tests, such as for the hormones leptin and insulin. …
Nutrition Think Tank – Part 6 – Fat Burners
•In August, 2004, the Nutrition Think Tank has been on a low-carb, adequate protein, high-quality fat diet for roughly 6 weeks. Many participants report their bodies are now “fat-burners,” instead of metabolically depending on carbohydrates. Spirits are high as Think Tank members tell Dr. Ron Rosedale about losing weight, seeing blood pressure drop, and other benefits. In addition to enjoying the…
Nutrition Think Tank – Part 5 Withdrawal Symptoms
•Listen (roughly 1 hour) This recording takes place about three weeks into the 2004 Boulder Nutrition Think Tank healthy eating program. Some people are feeling great, with high energy and a significant reductions of symptoms such as aching joints, water retention, high blood pressure and so on. But others are feeling LESS energy, headachey or…
Nutrition Think Tank – Part 4 Q&A
•Dr. Ron Rosedale clarifies the nuts and bolts of undertaking a healthy eating program.
Nutrition Think Tank – Part 3 – Science of Health
•Ron Rosedale is a medical doctor who is one of the world’s leading experts in using nutritional approaches to prevent, and often reverse, chronic health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity.
Nutrition Think Tank – Part 2 – Meet Dr Rosedale
•Dr. Ron Rosedale volunteered to lead the 1st Nutrition Think Tank program for free, as a way to reach out to people who want to figure out a way to help not only their own health, but the health of their community.
Nutrition Think Tank – Part 1 – Last Suppers
•Pilar and Dequan share the “Last Suppers” they enjoy, of foods they suspect they’ll be giving up for at least a while, as they head into healthier eating.