“Our job to stay healthy and reduce the risk of cancer, is to make cancer’s job as hard as possible. Don’t feed it. Make it hard for cancer to eat and divide.” – Ron Rosedale
LISTEN (1 HOUR) (Note from Shelley) Body Mass Index is a calculation based on your height and your weight. It’s supposed to be a way to determine whether you’re thin or fat. A bigger BMI, has not been considered healthy. Earlier this year, that got challenged, when the Journal of the American Medical Association published…
LISTEN (30 Minutes) Ron Rosedale, there are about a thousand ways that a person can look at health research and a thousand details to check. It’s so confusing. To understand how we work and how our metabolism works, what if we start by figuring out what questions to ask? RON ROSEDALE: – Sorting through confusion—that’s…
LISTEN (30 minutes) Well over a decade ago, in 1999, Ron Rosedale and Dean Ornish agreed to meet for a debate that I recorded for KGNU Boulder/Denver about what’s healthier – a low fat, or a high fat diet.
Ron Rosedale challenges the new Harvard Study, published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association. He says the study itself has many good points regarding the importance of noting that not all calories are equal, and reducing carbs may be more important than reducing fat. But in press reports, he’s concerned…
Listen (61 Minutes) Ron Rosedale, there is an increasing rise in neurodegenerative diseases right now. That’s not what we want. RON ROSEDALE No, we don’t want diseases, period. Unfortunately, it is part of life. The major problem is not that we’re getting the diseases, but that we’re getting them more frequently and younger. The rise…
LISTEN (4 minutes) Ron Rosedale A long time ago, maybe 15 years ago, when I was in Asheville, North Carolina, before leptin was discovered, I was doing a lot of research on my patients about insulin, to see what lowered it, what raised it. I remember one boy who came in, brought in by really…
LISTEN – Ron Rosedale on Healthy Bones part 1 (39 Minutes) LISTEN – Ron Rosedale on Healthy Bones part 2 (32 Minutes) Here’s an in-depth conversation with Ron Rosedale about how bones evolved, and what kind of hormone signaling helps bones stay healthy. Ron Rosedale, recently, health news has featured many articles that have to…