THE PR LADY: And then he also mentioned that Avandia kills people. These are very strong statements that he made.
Category: Experts
Scientists and Clinical Experts
Fermicutes – Make You Fat? Nothing to Sneeze About
•Microbiome Expert Rob Knight says that firmicutes are more abundant in the guts of people who are obese. And in people with allergies.
Death by Calcium?
•The more osteoporosis a person has, the greater the risk of having calcium in the arteries. They have the calcium. It’s just going in all the wrong places because the body has lost the instructions about where to put it. It’s going to go into your arteries and your kidneys and your gall bladder and cause lots of trouble.
Livin’ La Vida Interview with Ron Rosedale
•Here’s a lovely interview between Jimmy at Livin’ LaVida, and Ron Rosedale. Good introduction to this dietary approach, with thought-provoking observations about medicine, science, where they meet up, and where they don’t. Go to Jimmy’s Interview
Ron Rosedale – Insulin, Leptin and the Control of Aging
•First, you hear a lot about paleolithic nutrition, the idea being that ancient man can tell us how to be healthy. That we need to go back to our ancient roots and eat like they did, and then we’ll be healthy. But you have to go back even further and understand what Nature is after.
Ron Rosedale – Protein: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
•Life is a constant battle between damage and damage control. If we could repair damage as fast as it occurs, we would live forever. Ultimately, unfortunately, we damage the damage control mechanisms, and that’s really what does us in. Excess protein actually increases damage and reduces our ability to repair it, so it’s a double whammy.
LDL Cholesterol – Ron Krauss MD
•One of the world’s leading experts on cholesterol particles is Ron Krauss. In this extended interview, he explains why he believes the very smallest LDL cholesterol particles are the most dangerous ones, and why it’s important to measure them. Listen to Interview with Ron Krauss (28 Minutes) We’ve known for a long time that cholesterol…
Loren Cordain – Caution: Saturated Fats – Disaster with Grains
•What kills you is not plaque in the arteries. What kills you is the rupture of the plaque. What kills us in the Western world, we have this atherosclerotic process going on . . . and we have a pro-inflammatory diet.
Eric Westman, Duke MD, on Low Carb, High Fat, New Atkins Diet
•I was trained like the average internist to prescribe pills. Now I take pills away, and heartburn pills are some of the first pills I take away when people go on a low-carb high-fat diet. Even cancer is responding in animal models to lowering the carbohydrate in the diet.
Steve Phinney on Pemmican and Indigenous Diets
•Not just my bike racers were on low carb diets, but the roughly 3,000 patients that I used a low carbohydrate diets on during the 20 plus years of clinical practice consistently told me they had less colon problems, less concerns about constipation or diarrhea, when they were on a low carb diet, containing very little fiber, compared to a fiber rich, “optimum balanced” diet. It’s not so much the bulk. It’s the quote, happiness, of the lining cells of the colon. If the cells lining your colon are happy, it’s going to function well.