Here are “How To” videos about the American Gut Project is, and how to sample your poop, tongue or hands if you sign up.
Scientists and Clinical Experts
JOE HIBBELN: I think you can say that saturated fats, in comparison to linoleic acid . . . SHELLEY: Are not as dangerous as the Omega 6 linoleic acids? . . . JOE HIBBELN: Yes. Based on this study. . . . When dietary advice was interpreted to be replace saturates with Omega 6, linoleic acid, that advice looks to be very harmful. Worldwide dietary advice should probably be very specific as to which kinds of Omega 3 and Omega 6 polyunsaturates should be advised.
Here’s a good summary of a recent call-in show I hosted on KGNU-Boulder — Shelley . . . From Dr. Jeff Gerber’s blog Jamie Doucet, MD is a local Cardiologist from Boulder Colorado who actually knows a thing or two about nutrition and heart disease prevention. I (Jeff Gerber) had a chance to meet with Dr. Doucet…
LISTEN (1 HOUR) (Note from Shelley) Body Mass Index is a calculation based on your height and your weight. It’s supposed to be a way to determine whether you’re thin or fat. A bigger BMI, has not been considered healthy. Earlier this year, that got challenged, when the Journal of the American Medical Association published…
We’re just at the beginning of our understanding of the profound and intimate way that we are living with bacteria in our bodies. Ultimately the goal is to be partners with these bacteria. – Jayne Danska
“the more sugar you eat, it actually seems to cause damage to the mitochondria. Over time, you may actually lose mitochondria.” Richard Johnson, MD, author of The Fat Switch.
LISTEN (5 Minutes) SHELLEY’S NOTE: It was all over the internet – the Canadian Broadcast Corporation did an interview with a man from Talon, Texas, in Pecos County, where the man explained why the town of Talon is adding sugar to the drinking water so that more people will drink it. How much sugar?…
“Our data is very reproducible and we don’t understand what would account for the different between our results and theirs.” Mary Gannon, about the new Nuttall/Gannon study showing no difference in the blood sugar response of people when they ate regular pasta, and when they ate Dreamfields “low carb” pasta.
Listen (30 minutes) Shelley’s note – SEE NEXT POST FOR FULL TRANSCRIPT AND AN AUDIO FILE WITH AN INTRODUCTION. Nutrition Today has just published a new study by Mary Gannon and Frank Nuttall that challenges the assertion, and advertising, by Dreamfields Pasta that their pasta does less to raise blood sugars than regular pastas…
LISTEN (30 Minutes) Ron Rosedale, there are about a thousand ways that a person can look at health research and a thousand details to check. It’s so confusing. To understand how we work and how our metabolism works, what if we start by figuring out what questions to ask? RON ROSEDALE: – Sorting through confusion—that’s…