Loren Cordain, Colorado State University Professor and author of The Paleo Diet has a new book: The Paleo Answer. 7 Days to Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Stay Young. Here is an interview with Loren from 2010, where he explains the biochemistry of why autoimmune diseases such as MS, arthritis and Type 1 diabetes might…
Category: Popular
Wheat Belly – William Davis MD
•“Lose the wheat, lose the weight, and find your path back to health.” – William Davis, medical director of Trackyourplaque.com
Sam Henderson – Ketones, Alzheimer’s and Nerve Protection
•If you can cut your carbohydrates down and do that for most of your life, it’ll probably greatly reduce a lot of disease state, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, lots of other conditions. If you can stick to that kind of diet, obviously I think that’s the way to go.
Ron Rosedale – Neurodegenerative Disease, Hormones and Diet
•Listen (61 Minutes) Ron Rosedale, there is an increasing rise in neurodegenerative diseases right now. That’s not what we want. RON ROSEDALE No, we don’t want diseases, period. Unfortunately, it is part of life. The major problem is not that we’re getting the diseases, but that we’re getting them more frequently and younger. The rise…
Ron Rosedale – The Toast Test
•LISTEN (4 minutes) Ron Rosedale A long time ago, maybe 15 years ago, when I was in Asheville, North Carolina, before leptin was discovered, I was doing a lot of research on my patients about insulin, to see what lowered it, what raised it. I remember one boy who came in, brought in by really…
Ron Rosedale – Healthy Bones
•LISTEN – Ron Rosedale on Healthy Bones part 1 (39 Minutes) LISTEN – Ron Rosedale on Healthy Bones part 2 (32 Minutes) Here’s an in-depth conversation with Ron Rosedale about how bones evolved, and what kind of hormone signaling helps bones stay healthy. Ron Rosedale, recently, health news has featured many articles that have to…
Steve Phinney and Richard Johnson: Ketones, Uric Acid, High Fat and Health
•STEVE PHINNEY – “When I’m asked how long ketoadaptation takes, I generally respond that some aspects of it take 6 weeks or more.” RICK JOHNSON “Low carb diets (might be improving) insulin resistance in part because of reduction of dietary glucose that reduces endogenous (body-manufactured) fructose.
Steve Phinney – Low-Carb preserves Glycogen better than High Carb
•Listen (60 minutes) Dr. Steve Phinney — I can ride continuously for three hours and go 60 miles without any hunger or food cravings or drop off in performance. And I ride as well in the last 20 miles coming home as I do going out.
Avandia Under Fire – with Dr. Ron Rosedale
•RON ROSEDALE: My biggest beef with all this is if they did nothing, they probably would be healthier, with the higher blood sugar. I think the drugs are worse than their benefit in lowering the sugar.
Ron Rosedale – Protein: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
•Life is a constant battle between damage and damage control. If we could repair damage as fast as it occurs, we would live forever. Ultimately, unfortunately, we damage the damage control mechanisms, and that’s really what does us in. Excess protein actually increases damage and reduces our ability to repair it, so it’s a double whammy.