Category: Popular

Ron Rosedale – Covid-19, Leptin, IL-6 & Cytokine Storms

Here’s a link to the extended version of an interview with Dr. Ron Rosedale about Covid-19 and a potential way to reduce the risk of that dangerous overreaction of the entire immune system known as a cytokine storm . . . through sleep and diet. Ron Rosedale gave the interview the first week of April.…

Denver Diet Doctor Jeff Gerber

Since low-carb diets are not recommended by the American Diabetes Association or the USDA, it can be challenging to find a doctor who supports a patient making this choice. Instead, many people who switch to low-carb diets report that when their bloodwork comes back better than ever, their doctor congratulates them on FINALLY doing a low-FAT diet!

High-fiber foods and blood sugar – Quest Protein Bar Interview

LISTEN TO INTERVIEW (30 MINUTES) Editor’s note – “High-fiber, low-net carb” products are often marketed as helpful for keeping blood sugars low.  The idea that a consumer can subtract the “fiber” carbs from the “total carbs,” to figure out “net carbs,” seems logical on first glance.  But like a growing number of  health experts and…

Cake? Cashews? Visualize Kidney Dialysis

Since changing my diet, not only do I feel 20 years younger than ever before, my mind is sharper and I have a greater capacity to work with people and to think and to function better than I can remember. – Barry Erdman

Loren Cordain – Leaky Gut, Whole Grains, Potatoes & Autism

Loren Cordain is a professor at Colorado State University.  He’s an expert on paleolithic lifestyles.  His most recent book is the Paleo Answer.  We did this interview in November, 2011.  It starts with Loren giving the evolutionary reason for why grains can be irritating to the human gut.  — Shelley Schlender – Listen to…