
Shelley Picture

In the summer of 2005, I got diagnosed as a diabetic, early Type 1.  The way I found out was incredibly lucky and ear-burning embarrassing.  Since then, I’ve made a thousand mistakes.  But I’ve also had the benefit of contact with some of the world’s greatest experts in diabetes and health. They steer me back in the right direction, as does the support of my husband and friends.  So far,  I haven’t needed any drugs or insulin injections, yet my blood sugars are normal.  Maybe something I’m doing is helping me.  Maybe something that might help you.

The “Me” part of this blog  tells my personal stories.  “Then” is about how this happened, in the order that it happened, complete with in-the-moment interviews I recorded with doctors and other health experts, as it was happening.  The “Nutrition Think Tank” is a community project launched in 2004 and directed by Ron Rosedale, MD.  It’s both a how to section and a story of its own.  “Now” is my rants and worries, hopes and fears.  Right now.

Special thanks to Doug Wray for helping build this site, and to Yachin Bonny You for the visual design.

— Shelley Schlender

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