Dr. Ron Rosedale discusses a woman who nearly died from a deadly side effect of statin drugs, called, Rhabdomyolysis. LISTEN: Cholesterol Medications Side Effects – Ron Rosedale MD
Millions of people take cholesterol lowering medications. But many of those who do complain about weakness and muscle pain. Why do these side effects happen? What if these symptoms turn deadly? To find out, up next, we’ll talk with Dr. Ron Rosedale. Dr. Rosedale is the author of The Rosedale Diet.
This first broadcast on KGNU Boulder/Denver
Hi Shelley:
Just discovered you today. GREAT INTERVIEWER. So concise and well-outlined, and no “junk filler”. No “uh”, “like”, “I mean”, etc. Such a clean thinker and speaker. I’m going to start working my way through all of your Rosedale interviews, to begin with.
Unfortunately, the “Cholesterol Medication Side Effects – Ron Rosedale MD” interview from 2009(?) has a dead link. I can’t listen to it, because there’s simply no audio at the link. Can you please point me to the correct link?