” . . . he always ate his favorite item first, which was almost always the avocado.”
Category: Me
Medicine for Magdalena – Checkup with Ron Rosedale
•Watching as he concentrated, it was like watching a bomb specialist trying to sort through a tangle of wires that are connected to a ticking bomb. Right now, Magdalena’s congestive heart failure was a ticking bomb.
March 2010 Glucose Tolerance Test
•This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series My 2-Hour Glucose Tolerance TestsI passed my March 2010 2-hour glucose tolerance test. This is better than how I did in 2005, when I failed two glucose tolerance tests in a row. However, I did not pass as successfully in March 2010 as I did…
January 2009 Glucose Tolerance Test
•This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series My 2-Hour Glucose Tolerance TestsI passed the 2-hour glucose tolerance test I took in January 2009. That’s over 4 years since I first failed a glucose tolerance test and was told my pancreas would be very, very, very, very unlikely to ever recover more function,…
A “Low Carb” Menu Plan Disaster – from a Diabetes Health Educator
•My blood sugars went up near 170 the one time I ate a “low carb” meal recommended by an American Diabetes Association, acclaimed diabetes educator.
October 2005 Glucose Tolerance Test
•This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series My 2-Hour Glucose Tolerance TestsI failed my second 2-hour glucose tolerance test. Failing two tests makes a diagnosis of diabetes even more official.
June 2005 Glucose Tolerance Test
•I failed my first two-hour glucose tolerance test. This flagged me as a diabetic.
My 2010 Glucose Tolerance Test – Have I Goofed?
•This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series My 2-Hour Glucose Tolerance TestsI may have goofed today, getting a two-hour glucose tolerance test after a weekend bout of flu.
Nutrition Think Tank – Lab Results and Report
•Here is a before- and after- summary of the lab data for the 2004 Nutrition Think Tank, which was led by Dr. Ron Rosedale. Labs tests were generously donated by Esoterix Lab (now Nichols Lab, I think), and included a standard cholesterol panel plus more in-depth tests, such as for the hormones leptin and insulin. …
Nutrition Think Tank – Part 6 – Fat Burners
•In August, 2004, the Nutrition Think Tank has been on a low-carb, adequate protein, high-quality fat diet for roughly 6 weeks. Many participants report their bodies are now “fat-burners,” instead of metabolically depending on carbohydrates. Spirits are high as Think Tank members tell Dr. Ron Rosedale about losing weight, seeing blood pressure drop, and other benefits. In addition to enjoying the…